Saturday 20 October 2012


On Friday you may have picked up my third and final zine from Manchester Picadilly station. Inside were a few puzzles and activities to take part in. Some of us see our daily commutes as an annoyance and get bored. What if we saw this time as something valuable, to do something productive with?

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Today, if you happened to pick up the metro on the Marple to Manchester train or from one of the stands at Manchester Picadilly station, you may have found the second zine in my series of three.

In this copy, I illustrated extracts from the infamous "Rush Hour Crush" section in the metro, a very small section where people attempt to contact their train crushes.

What if that moment was fleeting, and they never read that message in the paper; maybe you should leave them a love letter on the train if you're too shy to talk to them?

Tuesday 16 October 2012



Today, if you happened to get the Marple train to Manchester, or the Manchester train back to New Mills, you may have picked up a metro and found this zine inside.

Sometimes, if one simple thing cheers you up in the morning, if can affect your mood for the rest of the day. This is why I decided to make this zine; to take the things that annoy people on their daily commute and turn them into something positive and funny.

There are too many statistics of depression and suicide rates, it's mainly people who feel they are stuck in dead end jobs and think there is no future for them. These are the people you travel with everyday on their way to work. If others took notice of these people and made an effort to improve the little things that annoy us, it might just improve their journey, at least.

This is part of a series of three zines; if you're in Marple or Manchester Picadilly train station tomorrow, you may just pick one up with your metro!

And if you do, please, let me know if it cheered you up on this blog!